Our Process

Role Briefing

Our process begins with a thorough role briefing to understand your company and the specific position to be filled. We compile a detailed company brief, covering your history, board structure, past performance, culture, vision, and unique selling propositions (USPs). We also explore your organisational strategy, team composition, and key hiring manager profiles, along with agreed target organisations, geographical locations, and the interview process.

We then create a comprehensive individual role brief, outlining the reporting structure, essential skills and qualities, objectives, performance metrics, career prospects, salary range, benefits package, and bonus scheme.

Sourcing Strategy

Once the briefing is finalised, we initiate intensive research to identify suitable candidates within your target organisations. This involves creating detailed organograms, which we discuss with you to refine our search. We then discreetly approach the selected individuals, maintaining confidentiality throughout the process.

Interview and
Short Listing

Our interview process begins with an in-depth assessment of candidates’ motivations and fit for the role via telephone, followed by face-to-face interviews. All our consultants are trained interviewers, allowing us to thoroughly understand candidates’ needs and expertise. After completing the assessment, we provide a shortlist of suitable candidates, each supported by a detailed interview report highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.

Client Interviews and
Follow-Up Process

Once the shortlist is agreed upon, we arrange client interviews and can assist in structuring an efficient interview process if needed. Talent Motion facilitates the offer of employment and manages package negotiations. We ensure satisfaction for both candidate and client through regular service evaluation calls, addressing any concerns and making adjustments as required.